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Diadem - a symbol of absolute femininity, embodied in the decoration
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Collection – Walking in Paris

Paris Nouvelle Vague, or “New Wave of Paris” – the latest, newest jewelry collection of the illustrious House – is unconditionally inspired by Paris and, just like this city, is diverse in its subject matter, playfully, charmingly, dynamically, inspiringly and invariably elegant.

The creators themselves call Paris Nouvelle Vague “the anthem of the nuances and shades of the personality of a certain Parisian woman, her secrets of seduction and style.”

Well, to be seduced, of course, is what: the collection is divided into seven thematic lines that somehow reflect the traditions of Cartier, reinterpret the jewelry of the past years, and glorify the “bon vivified” or “bonton” lifestyle of a typical Parisian woman sometimes we want to be like that.

So, the line Espiegle, or Mischievous, which in Russian from both languages ​​means “playful” and even “reckless”, is a decoration of yellow gold, the composition of which is composed of dozens of small cabochon lapis lazuli, chrysopresis, and the same size and pyramid-shaped diamond pavé. Closely joined together in a ring, in a bracelet, in Creole earrings and a long necklace, these precious materials together remind whether confetti in the air, or balloons in the sky, one way or another they are bright and cheerful and filled with energy, it’s not for nothing that Cartier booklets go under the motto : Have a little fun! Nothing else with the “mischievous” decorations is left for either the Parisian woman or the Muscovite.

Working in contrast with the first, the second line called Voluptueuse, or Voluptuous, that is, “sensual”, “luxurious”, “lush”, is more suitable not for “playful” everyday life, but for solemn soirees or important rendezvous. The slightly baroque design of these jewelery, made of pink and white gold, is composed of a repetitive motif of circles, woven together like heavy lace lace. Particularly good in this line are not even dome rings, like many buildings in Paris, long earrings or a massive round medallion, but wide bracelets. The one made of white gold is woven from only three rows of diamonds studded with diamonds, and the one made of pink gold is twice as wide and studded not only with diamonds, but also decorated with a purple pearl in the center of each element. And with such a decoration you can definitely “Captivate an audience”, as they call in Cartier, that is, to capture the attention of others, without difficulty.

The third line of jewelry Impertinente, or Impish again returns to the “mischievous” or “daring” mood, but in a different way than the first line. Here the main motive is the four circles cut centrally into each other in such a way that they form a continuous spiral movement. This, of course, is an optical game of geometric volumes, but I really want to believe in it. Earrings, rings, pendants here consist either of smooth onyx, lapis lazuli and corrugated white gold, or purely fluted, like a fan, rose gold, with one of the pavé diamonds in colorless diamonds in both variations of jewelry. Especially good in this line is a sotuar with eight similar spiral elements on a long chain – at least for an open cocktail dress, at least for a t-shirt and a black leather jacket. With your release in such decorations, you are definitely “Make a statement”, as the motto of this line says.

But the fourth line already calls “Express yourself.” Express yourself with the help of jewelry called Affranchie, or Emancipated. “Freed”, “unfettered” and, maybe, even “free from convention”, the lady chooses jewelery of rather strict sense and expresses here her commitment to orderliness, precise geometry and Art Deco style. Multistage design (inspired by the architecture of Parisian Palais de Tokyo) of rings, earrings and pendants in yellow gold consists of lines of smoky quartz, hematite, amethyst, alternating with ribbons of colorless diamonds. In this graphic, minimalist style, especially the modernist looks a bracelet with symmetrical, looking at each other elements. To wear such jewelry you really need inner freedom and self-confidence, in a word, you have to be emancipable.

The fifth line of Petillante, or Sparkling, is truly “sparkling” and “sparkling”, because the decorations in it consist of brushes put together, made up of gold balls. Like fireworks in the sky, they are “broken” in the rings of yellow, white, and pink gold. Cascade salute in pendants and earrings. In the version of pink gold, diamonds and amethysts are mounted inside some of the beads, which makes the sparkling effect even stronger. I must say, the motto of the line “Be exuberant!” Is the best for her: in such jewelry you have to spend time rapidly and magnificently, at least to the rhythm of the dance, so that the tassels tremble in time with the music. By the way, similar gold “fireworks” already happened in the history of Cartier, in 1999, just within the first version of the Paris Nouvelle Vague collection. But since then, a new generation of lovers of jewelry has grown, and they, of course, need to implement their precious “mottos”.

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Diadem - a symbol of absolute femininity, embodied in the decoration
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