Jewelry - unsurpassed beauty
Modern gold, thanks to ligature additives, is durable and aesthetically pleasing. Depending on the percentage of copper, silver or palladium in the alloy, the metal may be of any shade.…

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Finance Phantom trading robot
Diadem - a symbol of absolute femininity, embodied in the decoration
There is no unequivocal answer to the question of who can wear diadems and on what occasion. Much depends on etiquette and dress code, which provides for a particular case,…

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Collection - Camellia Metamorphosis
“Let there be a garden!”, As if the designers and jewelers of Chanel Joaillerie decided it and collected all sorts of camellias in one collection of jewelry Jardin de Camélias…

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The history of jewelry has several millennia. Civilizations were created and perished, the worldview changed, traditions came and went, and with them the styles of jewelry changed. One thing remained…


known for his pleasant

Italian jewelers look abroad

Italian jewelry is known for its high quality and attention to detail. But this significant and historically important layer of national culture and craftsmanship is under threat. After the boom of the turbulent 1990s, the jewelry manufacturing sector entered a long phase of stagnation, followed by a severe crisis. At present, the industry is giving contradictory signals: although many enterprises continue to shut down, others manage to stay afloat in the dangerous waters of the global recession. But for this they need to go through deep changes and open the doors wide for foreign buyers and investors. Continue reading


The antique sessions, which today are called the Biennale of Antiquaries, were founded in 1962 by the Minister of Culture in the government of de Gaulle by the writer and philosopher Andre Malraux.

Despite the fact that the center participants in the sessions were, of course, first-class antiquarians, jewelers (and especially elegant French origin) joined the Paris exhibition of antiquities almost immediately – in 1964. But they didn’t exhibit then new collections, namely branded antique jewelery (in this case, the once famous expositions of the French house Chaumet, which began to exhibit its historical jewelry items one of the first, would be a good example). Continue reading

Notch and engraving on wedding rings
In the professional world there is the term "diamond face", denoting the technique of making a pattern on a ring in the form of a notch. The pattern on the…


Collection - Camellia Metamorphosis
“Let there be a garden!”, As if the designers and jewelers of Chanel Joaillerie decided it and collected all sorts of camellias in one collection of jewelry Jardin de Camélias…


Jewelry work, or the science of safe shopping
Where to go? First of all, you should make sure that the store in which you want to make a purchase is trustworthy. How to do it? To get started,…
