Wedding is an important event in the life of every woman where she wants to look great. Wedding jewelery for the bride is used to create a complete and effective…

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"New Russians": Russian jewelry brands
Since her childhood, Elena Tsvetkova has been stretching to everything beautiful (which is not surprising for the residents of the northern capital). Today, her Jewelry House in St. Petersburg successfully…

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Jewelery instead of gold
These celebrities include Michelle Obama and Madonna. What brands and why choose Hollywood stars? Next year, the fashion world will celebrate the thirty-year anniversary of the brand Erickson Beamon, which…

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Jewelry Care
General rules for the care of jewelry First, when doing homework, washing, cleaning, always remove jewelry to prevent physical and chemical damage; Secondly, if you use creams, always carefully study…


Esprit was awarded only

High technology penetrated the jewelry business
Today, decoration can be not only decorative, but functional. Millionaires do not skimp on the purchase of gadgets in gold and in a generous placer of diamonds. USB-drives or flash…


We learn to assert our rights in the manufacture of jewelry in specialized workshops
Despite the abundance of various jewelry in the shops, you probably faced such a situation that you cannot choose for yourself or your loved ones one that really would like…


Signed Jewels
There were several reasons to show this impressive jewelery collection in Venice. First, this city is closely connected with the fate of the legendary founder of the House: Chanel considered…
