Jewelry - unsurpassed beauty
Modern gold, thanks to ligature additives, is durable and aesthetically pleasing. Depending on the percentage of copper, silver or palladium in the alloy, the metal may be of any shade.…

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"New Russians": Russian jewelry brands
Since her childhood, Elena Tsvetkova has been stretching to everything beautiful (which is not surprising for the residents of the northern capital). Today, her Jewelry House in St. Petersburg successfully…

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The history of jewelry has several millennia. Civilizations were created and perished, the worldview changed, traditions came and went, and with them the styles of jewelry changed. One thing remained…

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Jewelry work, or the science of safe shopping
Where to go? First of all, you should make sure that the store in which you want to make a purchase is trustworthy. How to do it? To get started,…


glass mass

Brilliant - a symbol of loyalty to a pair
When I look at my wedding ring, which I call my cocktail ring for my right hand, because the union associated with it resembles a fairy tale now, the thought…


Defend the value of diamond jewelry
Not bad, I thought. I asked what the purchase was for. Wedding anniversary or other important event? Or maybe because he travels so much and leaves his wife at home…


Thing - Sacred Monster
To this day, all the collections of Hermes jewelery - the high genre of the Haute Bijouterie and the more casual genre of the Bijouterie - were somehow built, formed…
