Since ancient times, gems have been human companions. The tradition of honoring precious stones is rooted in ancient Egypt and Rome. The Egyptians decorated themselves with amethysts, emeralds, turquoise, while…

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Diadem - a symbol of absolute femininity, embodied in the decoration
There is no unequivocal answer to the question of who can wear diadems and on what occasion. Much depends on etiquette and dress code, which provides for a particular case,…

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My Dior Collection - Nude Jewelery
The new advertising campaign of the My Dior jewelry collection aroused particular interest due to the nude model in the photos. One of the most beautiful models of our time…

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The stamp of the Russian "jeweler" - a monopoly?
Thus, the amendments introduced by the draft law imply full exemption from branding of jewelry made for export. It is also proposed to abandon samples on silver products weighing less…


ring is made of different

Collection – From Munch to Picasso

A few years ago, Italian jeweler Carlo Palmiero created a ring called Homage to Munch. This precious dedication to Edvard Munk was the most famous painting of the artist “Cry”. The canvas of 1893, the most famous of the versions of “Creek”, Palmiero reproduced in his signature technique – a pave of colored gemstones. The bright pattern with the thinnest modulation of colors, with the effect of degradation, was skillfully laid out on the curved surface of an oval ring with a hole in the center. And in terms of its expressiveness, it was not much less than the original, this program picture of expressionism. Continue reading

Best friends girls. How to choose the right jewelry
Not far off is a women's holiday, and already now many men are "puzzled" over what to give to their chosen one. A great solution in choosing a present will…


Jewelry - unsurpassed beauty
Modern gold, thanks to ligature additives, is durable and aesthetically pleasing. Depending on the percentage of copper, silver or palladium in the alloy, the metal may be of any shade.…


The tradition of wearing different pendants goes back to antiquity. Once these decorations served as amulets and were used in ancient Egypt to protect against evil spirits. Nowadays, pendants perform…
