The stamp of the Russian "jeweler" - a monopoly?
Thus, the amendments introduced by the draft law imply full exemption from branding of jewelry made for export. It is also proposed to abandon samples on silver products weighing less…

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10 of the most luxurious jewelry brands
Jewelry is sometimes worn to decorate an outfit, such as a necklace, bracelet, or watch. But it is no secret that they, like clothes, speak about personality, its status and…

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The tradition of wearing different pendants goes back to antiquity. Once these decorations served as amulets and were used in ancient Egypt to protect against evil spirits. Nowadays, pendants perform…

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10 of the most luxurious jewelry brands
Jewelry is sometimes worn to decorate an outfit, such as a necklace, bracelet, or watch. But it is no secret that they, like clothes, speak about personality, its status and…


business card is massive

Silver jewelry: what is the best way to combine them?

Silver jewelry looks unusually stylish and original, if they are the author’s work. A woman who wears them in everyday life will never go unnoticed.

It is believed that silver jewelry does not look solid and is more suitable for young girls than for mature women. Professional stylists strongly disagree with this and consider this opinion a prejudice. Perhaps some people think that silver jewelry is something of an expensive jewelry just because modern stores have a large number of low-quality products on sale. Continue reading

10 of the most luxurious jewelry brands

Jewelry is sometimes worn to decorate an outfit, such as a necklace, bracelet, or watch. But it is no secret that they, like clothes, speak about personality, its status and taste. But besides beauty, jewels have a price, which greatly influences the choice when buying.

Anyone who is going to present an exclusive elegant gift, but does not know which company to choose, we offer an overview of the most luxurious jewelry brands! Continue reading

My Dior Collection - Nude Jewelery
The new advertising campaign of the My Dior jewelry collection aroused particular interest due to the nude model in the photos. One of the most beautiful models of our time…


Enamel - color decoration
Even in ancient times, metal decorations were decorated with colored enamel and even then they had different uses of the decorative properties of this multi-colored glass mass. The enamel was…


Notch and engraving on wedding rings
In the professional world there is the term "diamond face", denoting the technique of making a pattern on a ring in the form of a notch. The pattern on the…
