Jewelry house "Esprit"
Like most French Protestants who had escaped persecution in the time of Louis XIV, William's ancestors were highly skilled artisans — blacksmiths, tanners, and watchmakers. By the middle of the…

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Jewelry Care
General rules for the care of jewelry First, when doing homework, washing, cleaning, always remove jewelry to prevent physical and chemical damage; Secondly, if you use creams, always carefully study…

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Signed Jewels
There were several reasons to show this impressive jewelery collection in Venice. First, this city is closely connected with the fate of the legendary founder of the House: Chanel considered…

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We learn to assert our rights in the manufacture of jewelry in specialized workshops
Despite the abundance of various jewelry in the shops, you probably faced such a situation that you cannot choose for yourself or your loved ones one that really would like…


many factors that are never

Recommendations for the evaluation of exclusive jewelry

The term “high jewelry” is applicable to refer to fine jewelry work, especially distinguished by the refinement of design. And the products of such work are usually performed in one copy (exclusive), they use precious stones of the highest quality. The appraiser must clearly understand that mass-produced products cost much less than hand-made products with rare gems.

Exclusive products are always more expensive because the costs of their production are covered by one consumer, and not shared among many, as is the case with mass production. Continue reading

Diadem - a symbol of absolute femininity, embodied in the decoration
There is no unequivocal answer to the question of who can wear diadems and on what occasion. Much depends on etiquette and dress code, which provides for a particular case,…


Enamel - color decoration
Even in ancient times, metal decorations were decorated with colored enamel and even then they had different uses of the decorative properties of this multi-colored glass mass. The enamel was…


Mother of pearl is a stone of organic origin, widely used in jewelry. It differs in rather low cost, fragility and fragility in operation. Tell us more about the properties…
