The colorful decorations of the brand Taffin in the center of New York
“This is a very dangerous world in which we live. Endless polls of people about what they want, give only a primitive and expected presentation. And this is not surprising.…

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Collection - Camellia Metamorphosis
“Let there be a garden!”, As if the designers and jewelers of Chanel Joaillerie decided it and collected all sorts of camellias in one collection of jewelry Jardin de Camélias…

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Every year the capricious lady Fashion defines new trends. What has changed this time? We offer you the TOP-5 fashionable jewelry and tell you about current trends in 2019. Jewelry…

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Jewelry Care
General rules for the care of jewelry First, when doing homework, washing, cleaning, always remove jewelry to prevent physical and chemical damage; Secondly, if you use creams, always carefully study…


bird made of white gold

Collection – From Munch to Picasso

A few years ago, Italian jeweler Carlo Palmiero created a ring called Homage to Munch. This precious dedication to Edvard Munk was the most famous painting of the artist “Cry”. The canvas of 1893, the most famous of the versions of “Creek”, Palmiero reproduced in his signature technique – a pave of colored gemstones. The bright pattern with the thinnest modulation of colors, with the effect of degradation, was skillfully laid out on the curved surface of an oval ring with a hole in the center. And in terms of its expressiveness, it was not much less than the original, this program picture of expressionism. Continue reading

In a romantic trip for wedding rings!
We agree that buying rings is a matter of responsibility, because these little “keepers” will stay with you for many years. From the purchase of wedding rings, you can make…


Recommendations for the evaluation of exclusive jewelry
The term “high jewelry” is applicable to refer to fine jewelry work, especially distinguished by the refinement of design. And the products of such work are usually performed in one…


Diadem - a symbol of absolute femininity, embodied in the decoration
There is no unequivocal answer to the question of who can wear diadems and on what occasion. Much depends on etiquette and dress code, which provides for a particular case,…
