In a romantic trip for wedding rings!
We agree that buying rings is a matter of responsibility, because these little “keepers” will stay with you for many years. From the purchase of wedding rings, you can make…

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Jewelery instead of gold
These celebrities include Michelle Obama and Madonna. What brands and why choose Hollywood stars? Next year, the fashion world will celebrate the thirty-year anniversary of the brand Erickson Beamon, which…

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The history of jewelry has several millennia. Civilizations were created and perished, the worldview changed, traditions came and went, and with them the styles of jewelry changed. One thing remained…

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Italian jewelers look abroad
Italian jewelry is known for its high quality and attention to detail. But this significant and historically important layer of national culture and craftsmanship is under threat. After the boom…


first made independently

Thing – Sacred Monster

To this day, all the collections of Hermes jewelery – the high genre of the Haute Bijouterie and the more casual genre of the Bijouterie – were somehow built, formed and developed around the branded themes of this French Fashion House, namely around the theme of horse harness or around the grafted unskilled themselves. Continue reading

Thing - The Breath of Antiquity
A year ago, when the French House of Van Cleef & Arpels premiered the high jewelry collection Palais de la Chance, the bracelet with the heads of dragons looking at…


Since ancient times, gems have been human companions. The tradition of honoring precious stones is rooted in ancient Egypt and Rome. The Egyptians decorated themselves with amethysts, emeralds, turquoise, while…


"New Russians": Russian jewelry brands
Since her childhood, Elena Tsvetkova has been stretching to everything beautiful (which is not surprising for the residents of the northern capital). Today, her Jewelry House in St. Petersburg successfully…
