Jewelry - unsurpassed beauty
Modern gold, thanks to ligature additives, is durable and aesthetically pleasing. Depending on the percentage of copper, silver or palladium in the alloy, the metal may be of any shade.…

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Signed Jewels
There were several reasons to show this impressive jewelery collection in Venice. First, this city is closely connected with the fate of the legendary founder of the House: Chanel considered…

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The stamp of the Russian "jeweler" - a monopoly?
Thus, the amendments introduced by the draft law imply full exemption from branding of jewelry made for export. It is also proposed to abandon samples on silver products weighing less…

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Choosing a diamond ring
When buying a ring with diamonds or other precious stones, choose a product that makes a delightful impression, but do not forget that you should carefully weigh the decision to…


collection to another

Signed Jewels

There were several reasons to show this impressive jewelery collection in Venice.

First, this city is closely connected with the fate of the legendary founder of the House: Chanel considered him to be her, very close to her in spirit.

It was Venice, in which it first appeared in August of 1920, that cured Gabriel from suffering after the tragic death of her beloved Arthur (Boy) Capel. Continue reading

The combination of stones and metals
This is the so-called affinity of bodies and their corresponding metals and minerals. The sun is credited with gold, the moon with silver, and so on. Some stones (diamond, amethyst,…


In a romantic trip for wedding rings!
We agree that buying rings is a matter of responsibility, because these little “keepers” will stay with you for many years. From the purchase of wedding rings, you can make…


Wedding is an important event in the life of every woman where she wants to look great. Wedding jewelery for the bride is used to create a complete and effective…
