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Notch and engraving on wedding rings
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The tradition of wearing different pendants goes back to antiquity. Once these decorations served as amulets and were used in ancient Egypt to protect against evil spirits. Nowadays, pendants perform the role of original jewelry and only in some cases symbolize something, and these accessories have lost the role of amulets.

The name of the charms comes from the English word “charm”, which translates as “charm.” Such jewelry can be donated, worn for special occasions and in everyday life.

Briefly about the history of suspensions
For the first time, jewelry, resembling in its essence charm pendants, appeared in ancient Egypt. After the increasing influence of the Persian Empire, these elements appeared in ancient Babylon. The Babylonians, who know a lot about jewelry and have a passion for luxury, changed the Egyptian pendants and began to make them from precious stones.

Charms: the value, features and types Approximately in this form the suspension got into medieval Europe, where it became popular in the 18th century. Then they began to call them the word “charm”.

It is noteworthy that the pendant-charm did not have any special symbols at that time. They most often depicted members of the royal family, and wore such ornaments courtiers.

Where did the idea come from to endow the figures with hidden meaning? It is difficult to say with accuracy, but it can be assumed that this philosophy was born in the hippie subculture. It was they who made the pendants manually from various materials, and the figures endowed with a hidden value.

With the growing popularity of the hippie movement, jewelers also picked up the idea of ​​pendants. Masters began to make these ornaments of gold, silver, stones, steel, platinum and other materials.

Types of charms charms
In appearance, charms resemble pendants, but, unlike them, can be strung not only on a chain, but also on a bracelet. Most often, the pendants are made in the form of any figures, they can be removed, combined, creating a new decoration every day.

Depending on the shape, there are two types of suspensions. The first is a large bead with a hole. It is through him that pendants are attached to a bracelet or chain. The second type has special fasteners, with which the accessory is attached to the bracelet, which becomes the basis of the jewelry composition.

The value of charms pendants in the modern world
We have already written that each figure in the form of which charms are made has its own meaning. You need to know it in order not to be trapped when buying.

Charms: the value, features and types Most often the importance of suspension, made in the form of figures of animals. For example, a frog means grace, an elephant means wisdom, and a cat means success. It is believed that the decoration in the form of a duck attracts luck, and in the form of a star it means the desire for fame. And if you see a pendant in the shape of a lock with keys on the girl on the bracelet, this can mean her loyalty and devotion.

Heart shape is very popular, which can mean love or just be a memorable decoration. Jewelry designers most often use this image, and craftsmen make hearts from precious metals and precious stones. Although you can find products for the manufacture of which used aluminum or various alloys.

Another popular form of charms is the letter. Usually it indicates the first letter of the first or last name, but it can also indicate a specific location, date, or some event.

Masterpieces of jewelry
Eminent jewelers use expensive materials for charms. Most often these are precious stones – sapphires, emeralds, rubies, diamonds. In some cases, stones are used independently, in others – for inlaying pendants in gold or silver.

Another material for the manufacture of luxury pendants – premium glass. Murano glass jewelry is especially appreciated. It is smelted according to ancient technologies, has many colors and shades. Such products look bright, stylish and unusual, therefore they are appreciated by connoisseurs of jewelry art.

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The beginning of the year is notable for the appearance of a new direction of activity of the popular French brand Rivoli - fashionable, bright and elegant jewelry for women.…


Notch and engraving on wedding rings
In the professional world there is the term "diamond face", denoting the technique of making a pattern on a ring in the form of a notch. The pattern on the…
